Friday, June 23, 2017

Kid-Friendly Laundry Organization

My family just moved into a new house, which is of course stressful & overwhelming, but is also a great excuse to get things organized right from the get-go!  One of the things I wanted to change our routine for is dirty laundry.  In our old house, I threw everything all together in one big laundry basket, just sitting on the floor in our master bedroom.  But I want a system that will sort my loads out for me as I go, so it was time for a little DIY-ing.

Let me just get this out there right now, before anyone feels the need to lecture me later in this post: I.  Do.  Not.  Sort.  Laundry.  By.  Color.  I know, it's what you're supposed to do.  I know, everyone does it that way.  I know, my mother would be appalled.  But it just seems so silly to me - I toss all our shirts, pants, jammies, etc. together.  I DO separate undies & socks into their own load, and wash them in hot water, for germ purposes ;)

So, when I was planning my laundry organization system, I decided I needed 3 baskets: clothes, socks & undies, and towels.  Our new house has a big, wide closet in the bathroom, so I can fit 3 baskets on the floor in there, and everyone's laundry can be put in them without any inconvenience.  I even created the labels with pictures, to help my 4 year old sort his own clothes:

I just printed them on cardstock, cut them apart, and attached them with heavy tape to baskets from the dollar store.  So far, this system is great!  I don't have to spend my time sorting, because everyone in the house is doing it as the days go along.  And come laundry day, I just grab a pre-sorted basket & take it downstairs with me :)

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