Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year, y’all!

Goodness gracious, it has been a looong time since I’ve posted – almost 6 months!  I’m not sure how I let that slip up happen, but I’m going to try my best not to fall into that trap again!

I don’t usually put much stock into the whole “New Year, New You” concept of making resolutions, but this year I figured I’d try it.  Nothing about losing weight – I’ve already been on a path of healthier eating & respecting my body for a while now, and anyways I absolutely refuse to be consumed by the toxic mess spewed by the diet industry.  My goals this year do include continuing my healthy endeavors, but they are also about my mental health, and about taking steps towards my ultimate desire in life of being a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM).

My path to a healthier physical self is all about treating my PCOS – exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water, remembering to take my medicine twice a day, and following my “Cyster Diet” meal plan (more on that in a later post).

My goals for improving my mental health are making time for Bible study and praying a rosary (at least one decade) every day and making sure I continue to read the kids’ Bible with the boys every night.

Working towards being a SAHM is a complicated, long-term plan for my hubby & me – we’re working very, very hard to get our finances under control and get everything in order for that.  But, in addition, I have a secondary goal of being able to grow a (very small!) crochet business, once I’m no longer going to an office every day.  So, to that end, my 2019 Resolutions include crocheting for 30 minutes each day, and making sure I blog at least once per week (you’re welcome).

To keep me on track with all of this, I ventured into a territory I always swore I'd avoid (if only because I had a feeling I would become addicted, and add pens/graph paper to the list of supplies my husband has to roll his eyes at)  - Bullet Journaling.  I kept it to just this one subject, though, and I created it on my computer, so that I kept the supplies to a minimum.  I simply made the chart in excel, printed them for a binder, and began filling them in with my pen.  I'm hoping my competitive nature, combined with my OCD & love of beautiful patterns, will keep me on track with all of my goals.

You can see today is not over, so the row for 1/2/19 is incomplete

I have a pile of projects I never posted about: a pillow for one niece, a blanket for the other… some house decorating…stockings for my family… So, beginning next week, I’ll roll those out as soon as possible.  But I’m also going to use this blog for the originally designed purpose, to share personal aspects of my life, as well.  So, hopefully, my weekly entries will help others in similar situations, or allow my loved ones to learn more about me, and ultimately connect to my overall goal of a healthier, happier me ;)

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