Saturday, March 11, 2017

God is GOOD, so, SO good, y'all!

I know it's been a long while since I've written, but I've been preoccupied with some WONDERFUL changes in my life :)  That big situation I was struggling with?  It's in the process of being resolved in the BEST way possible!  It took many therapy sessions, hours of self-examination, and a LOT of prayer, but I finally settled my mind & my heart to agree, and to hear God's will.

Getting to this point has been wonderful for my own emotions, as well as my kids' feelings, and has really cut down on my stress and anxiety.  It is so gratifying to feel happy again, and to see my boys feeling content & at peace.  I almost feel like I'm cheating in my Lenten goals, because I haven't been tempted to worry too much!  Lol.  Though, to be honest, I am still worrying here & there, and I'm trying my best to follow my plan - give it to God & focus on right now instead :)

I promise, I'll try to get back to posting regularly - and, hopefully, more fun stuff instead of the stressful topics I've been sharing before.  But right now, my 4 year old is doing something that makes a crashing noise in the living room & the baby is waking up from his nap, so I'm back on Mommy duty ;)

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