Sunday, February 26, 2017

Baby Steps

I pretty much did a whole bunch of nothing this weekend... well, except laundry.  I helped my mom with hers & did my own, which amounted to about 5 loads, so at least I feel semi-productive there.  And I crocheted a lot, too ;)  But, as far as getting out & exercising, I didn't exactly rise to the occasion...

I downloaded an app on my phone to track my walking/jogging, so I can record my sessions and keep up with my goals.  I'm currently aiming to get out 3 times per week, for at least 30 minutes each time.  Ideally, I'd like to work on my time & distance, too, by training for a 5k, but first things first - it's been quite a while since I've been in a steady exercise routine, so I'm taking baby steps.

I also charged my FitBit, so I can get back in the habit of wearing it every day.  I've always worn it daily, using it to track my food (monitoring my carbs:protein ratio, not so much calories) & water and setting reminders to take a walking break every hour at work.  The battery died & needed to be charged, so I set it on my nightstand... then completely forgot about it.  I didn't realize exactly how long it had been, until I charged it last night & checked my app - the last time I wore it was December 29th!  How can that be?!?  Oh my, I've gotten quite lazy while I've been dealing with this situation I'm in... 

Starting today, I'm wearing my FitBit again, so hopefully that will help me to at least stay more active.  I've noticed I've been gaining weight throughout these few months, with my emotional eating & my depressed days finding me in my pajamas on the couch.  I'm not quite ready to be as strict as I was, with my very limited diet and such, because a girl's gotta have something to comfort her, right?  But I hope getting more exercise again will at least help.  I know I probably won't lose weight, but maybe it will curb the gaining ;)

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