Thursday, February 23, 2017

I Made a Good Choice!

Whenever my 4 year old son does something good, he proudly tells me, "I made a good choice!"  Our discipline model revolves largely around the concept of making good choices vs. bad choices, so it's extra sweet to hear him use those ideas in his own practices :)

That's how I felt today.  I worked my regular 8 hour shift at the church, but I'm also scheduled to serve in the Childcare Ministry tonight.  So, rather than rush home just to rush right back, I'm just hanging out at work.  Motivated by the GORGEOUS weather (seriously, 77* in February?  I'll ignore the worry about global warming while I enjoy myself...), and by that mexican pizza I had for lunch, I decided to use half an hour of my time to go for a walk.  It's quite obvious that I'm nowhere near where I used to be!  Let's not play games, I was certainly never a real runner.  But, I was able to hold my own at a mild jogging pace.  Today... well, let's just say it was a nice day for a stroll ;)  But hey, it's better than nothing, and it's a starting point!

One thing I really enjoy about walking outside: I don't listen to music, like most people do (I want to be able to hear my surroundings, for cars or other people).  Instead, I use the time to talk to God.  I pray or sing gospel music, sometimes I just count out my 4-step pattern by repeating "father, son, holy spirit."  It keeps me going, keeps me focused, and it's a great opportunity for some quiet time with God.  I had a very, very rough day today, emotionally - I struggled to process some heavy emotions, and to keep my shit together at work.  So this private time with God was doubly helpful... I'm really hoping my day ends better than it began, now that I've had time to process and pray.

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