Friday, March 24, 2017

Happy Birthday, Hubs!

My wonderful, handsome, loving husband turned 30 years old yesterday.  I'm not sure how that's possible, because I'm pretty sure we were in high school just, like, last year, but... somehow it happened!  I, of course, am still clinging to the "I'm in my 20s" party line until October ;)

Our marriage has gone through a lot in the recent months, so I was EXTRA excited to celebrate this milestone for him.  A helped me with some of the projects (with cheering from L, of course), but I spent Wednesday evening after bedtime cooking, decorating, and prepping to surprise Daddy when he arrived Thursday morning:
"Cheers to 30 Years"

balloons, a clock from the boys, and a shirt for the birthday boy

"kiss your 20s goodbye" babe!

birthday breakfast - citrus biscuit knots & chocolate milk

A & L waiting for daddy to arrive

begrudgingly wearing his birthday shirt ;)

After breakfast with the boys, we dropped A at school... and spent an exciting morning digging through our storage units to find the boys' furniture (more on that project to come!).  Quite an awesome way to spend your birthday, right?  Nothing says "happy 30th!" like manual labor.  Luckily, my hubby is such an amazing, family-oriented man, he didn't mind one bit.  He even brought lunch to me at work later that day, instead of claiming birthday laziness rights, like I would do ;)

We picked A up from school together, then we had birthday dinner at Chili's.  Neither of us really likes that restaurant, but A has been dying to go there ever since they built it next to his daycare, so he was thrilled!  Lol.

family dinner!

Luckily, the birthday cake at home made up for the mediocre dinner - lemon cake with lemon icing from The Jefferson Pastry Shoppe.  The hubs loves anything lemon, and the boys like anything with icing, so it was a crowd pleaser ;)

All in all, it was a lovely day for my husband, with the celebration centered around family time, which is exactly what he asked for.  I'm so glad he had the day he deserves, and that we got to celebrate together!
isn't he just so handsome?

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