Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, y'all!  This used to be one of my favorite holidays - as a kid, my mom did fun little things for us to make it special.  In college, it's basically the biggest party day of the year, and I celebrated as hard as I could, and even as a young adult, I enjoyed my corned beef & cabbage dinner with more than a couple beers...  Once I became a mommy, the focus of this day shifted significantly.  Gone are my days of finding any excuse to get drunk, and now I'm thinking about how to help my boys make special memories of their own.

With everything going on in my life right now, my ambitious plans for the holiday didn't exactly pan out... it's tricky to do what I would normally do when I'm not living in my own house & there are a lot of other issues taking my focus...  Last weekend, I had planned on helping the boys make t-shirts with handprint shamrocks, like these
but we never made it out of the house on Saturday, and Sunday was a struggle just to get them to cooperate in the grocery store.  So, the shirts got scrapped (thank God for my sister, who pulled an awesome Auntie move & bought Aidan a shirt to wear to school today!).

I definitely should've gotten up early this morning to make a special breakfast, like the green pancakes I usually make every year
with green milk to go along with them.  
When I was a kid, my mother always dyed our milk green, telling us a tricky leprechaun must have stopped by while we were sleeping and left us the surprise!  It was always so exciting, and so fun... and I totally missed the boat this year :(

I figure, I can still salvage this holiday celebration, and do something super fun with Aidan after school tonight.  I had "pinned" this Leprechaun Bait snack mix a while ago, 
and I just know Aidan would love it for a yummy treat after dinner.  Plus, it's easy enough to do together, and he loves to help in the kitchen.  I'm sure ours will turn out just as pretty as that picture... yeah right!  But I AM sure ours will be delicious & the process will be a fun mommy-son time for us <3

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