Monday, March 27, 2017

Into the Night to Save the Day!

Any other PJ Masks fanatic households out there?  Both my boys love that show - A is obsessed, and L perks up when he hears it, too :)  So, when it came time to decorate their new, shared bedroom, this seemed like an obvious choice!  It was gonna take some work, though, to get the room to a kid's dream from where it started.

 the "before" room - white walls & a green carpet

I am not the kind of mom who goes all out in the kids' rooms, buying all theme-based items and spending a fortune.  Mostly because I know that what's loved today is forgotten tomorrow, and the boys will be wanting a different themed room pretty darn soon!  To keep it easy to change themes, we painted the room a neutral grey, and planned to use accent touches to get the PJ Masks idea across.  
those beautiful wood floors were a delight to find!

I painted letters in the PJ Masks colors to put the boys' names on the walls above their beds, and I splurged on two posters ($9.99 each on Amazon) to add some color.  We also got new, blackout blinds for the windows (because they are the difference between 6am wake-ups & 8 am wake-ups) and let A pick the night light for the room (it's Paw Patrol, not PJ Masks, but he picked it himself, so I'm coming to terms with it... lol).

L's crib is buried in storage... as soon as we can get it out, 
he'll have it in his room

When we showed the boys their room Friday night, they both LOVED it!  L just kept looking all around, and A was shouting, jumping up and down, and just overall being thrilled!  It made the work SO worth it, and made me feel pretty proud of my budget-friendly, DIY decorations :)

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