Sunday, June 18, 2017

I TRY to Be an Organized Mom

The amount of STUFF I have to cart around for my two boys can often get out of hand, and I sometimes struggle to keep it all organized.  I swear, I have all these good intentions and great plans for how I'm going to keep everyone organized & on schedule... then somehow it turns into me packing lunches while getting dressed in the kitchen, or forgetting to bring diapers when we run errands...

For example, the daycare situation.  My 4 1/2 year old needs a sheet, a blanket, a pillow, and of course, a "sleepy time friend" (that's a stuffed animal, lol) every day.  My 18 month old needs all the same things PLUS diapers, wipes, sippy cup, lunch, and 2 snacks.  They each have a backpack, and I usually stay on top of those daily needs.  But now, for the summer, their school is adding a Water Play Day one day each week, and of course, each boy is on a different day.  Our mornings are quite rushed as it is, and I just knew I needed a system to help me remember all their stuff on those specific days.  So, I decided to make each of them a tote bag, stuffed with all their Water Play Day items, that I can just grab on the way out the door.

I got the plain canvas tote bags at AC Moore, along with iron-on letters.  Everything else I already had here at home, so it was a quick & easy project.  I washed & ironed the bags first, so they'd be ready for the letters, which I cut apart from the sheet they came on, trimming close around each one.  They get laid on the bag face-down (make sure they're facing the correct way, like a mirror image kinda challenge), a thin cotton cloth goes on top, then the hot iron is pressed on them for 15 seconds or so.  Once everything is cooled down, you can peel the backing off, and the letters are on the bag!  Easy-peasy :)

Of course, the trickier part is having to actually pack the bags, to be sure everything my boys need is in there.  They each got a towel, their swimsuit, a pair of flip-flops, sunblock, and a grocery bag for the wet stuff to come home.  Leo got swim diapers, too ;)  As long as I make sure to re-pack the bags after I do laundry, they will always be ready for me to grab on our way out the door - Leo's on Tuesday mornings, Aidan's on Thursdays.  Happy Summer, y'all!

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